Program 入学 Criteria


The Cardiovascular Technology (CVT) Program is a limited-access program which admits only one class per year.  The application deadline is June 30 of each year with classes beginning each 8月ust or fall term.   If the application deadline falls on a weekend, the application is due on the Friday prior to June 30.  Any application not directly in the program director’s office by the stated deadline will not be processed.  Students submitting late applications, within two days of the deadline date, should directly submit applications to the program director on the Airside Center-West Campus.  Do not submit applications to advisors via interdepartmental mail as the application may not reach the program director by the deadline.  No applications will be accepted past the deadline for any reason.

Applicants seeking admission into the CVT Program may obtain a program application via the red link for the CVT Program Application on the bottom of this page.

The following program pre-requisite courses must be completed with a “C” or better prior to admission:

    • ENC 1101        English Composition
    • MAC 1105        College Algebra  or  MGF1106 Topics in Math
    • BSC 2085C      Anatomy & 生理学我
    • BSC 2086C      Anatomy & 生理学二世
    • HSC 1531        Medical Terminology

In addition to the prerequisite courses, the following are minimum requirements for admission to the Cardiovascular Technology Program:

    • Acceptance to Polk State College as a credit student with all required admission documents and fees received by the Registrar
    • Completion of any required college prep courses
    • 当前的 American Heart Association BLS Provider CPR Certification ONLY
    • Overall GPA of 2.5或以上

After acceptance into the CVT Program, the following co-requisites must be completed by each student under the direction of the program director and clinical coordinator, prior to the beginning of program core courses in the fall term:

    • Complete medical 物理
    • Immunization records verifying the required MMR, 水痘, 产后抑郁症, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, Influenza and Hepatitis B vaccinations have been administered (influenza vaccination received during flu season; Hepatitis B (3 shot series) must be already completed or in the progress prior to the beginning of clinical rotations)
    • 当前的 titer levels for required immunizations surface antigen for Hepatitis B once the three-shot series is completed
    • 10 Panel Drug Screening
    • Affidavit of Moral Character attesting to the non-committance of specific criminal acts
    • National Background Check Sexual Predator Background Check
    • Completion of general education courses POS2041 American Government, HUM2020 Introduction to Humanities, and ENC2210 Introduction to Professional & Technical Writing (APA Format) sometime during program enrollment.


The cost of the two-year program is approximately $11,000.  This cost includes course fees, 书, 制服, national registry fees, 物理, immunization records tractor (CastleBranch), Trajecsys student record tracking and ACLS Certification.  This figure does not include any college prep courses, additional classes the student may enroll in or travel to and from clinical rotations.